Category: Port Royal Condominium
801 N Pitt St #801, Alexandria Real Estate Update
1 Bedroom in 22314 in the City of Alexandria For $300,000
If you’re interested in learning more about homes like 801 N Pitt St #801 in Alexandria, Virginia, you’ve come to the right place.The 22314 Area Aspects
- The average days on market in the 22314 area is 93 days.
- The average living area in the 22314 area is 1,611 sqft. On the other hand, 801 N Pitt St #801 has 785 sqft of living area.
- The 22314 Area has an average price per square foot of $455 . Conversely, 801 N Pitt St #801 is $382 per sqft.
- Did you know that masonry is the most common type of exterior in the 22314 area?
- 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is the least expensive home in the 22314 area. 1804 W Abingdon Dr #102 is listed for $1,700. Still, 607-601 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the 22314 area. 607-601 Oronoco St is asking $5,995,000.
- The median age of homes in the 22314 area is 42 years. 801 N Pitt St #801 is 56 years old.
Finding The Right Condominium In 22314 In The City Of Alexandria?
I'm a local agent specializing homes in 22314.
I like 801 N Pitt St #211. This condo at Port Royal Condominium in 22314 in Alexandria looks like a good value for several reasons. However, I'm not recommending you buy this property in particular. That's because, until I know your goals there is no way for me to know if this is the right home for you.
Continue reading "Finding The Right Condominium In 22314 In The City Of Alexandria?"
1 Bedroom Real Estate In 22314 In The City Of Alexandria For $299,000
801 N Pitt St #705 is located in Alexandria, Virginia at Port Royal Condominium. Agents come from all walks of life and some are much better than others. Interview Nesbitt Realty to see if Nesbitt Realty is the real estate professional for you. You have several selections when scoring a residential property: a traditional single-family home, a townhouse, a condo, or a multi-family building with two to four units. If you're looking for a 1-bedroom 1-baths dwelling in Alexandria, Virginia, then 801 N Pitt St #705 might be for you.
Continue reading "1 Bedroom Real Estate In 22314 In The City Of Alexandria For $299,000"
This Mid 20th-Century 0-Bedroom 0 Bedroom Condo At Port Royal Condominium Caught My Eye
Are you shopping for a 0-bedroom condos in 22314?
I can help you choose the residence of your aces.
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What Are Condominiums Like At Port Royal Condominium In 22314?
Are you looking at 1-bedroom condominiums for sale in the City of Alexandria? Talk to me. I am a local specialist.
Continue reading "What Are Condominiums Like At Port Royal Condominium In 22314?"
801 N Pitt St #1609, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch
$300,000 ⁞ ⁞ Alexandria VA 22314 - Comparables and Suggestions
Are you nervous about buying real estate like 801 N Pitt St #1609 in Alexandria? Maybe, you're overlooking a better location? If you're from out of the area or if you are not an expert in 22314 real estate, it's easy to miss some of the many homes for sale. Still, Nesbitt Realty will interview you to learn more about your needs and help identify the best property for you. Actually, there are always pitfalls in 22314 real estate. Still, a terrific sage like Nesbitt can guide you to manage or avoid many of the risks associated with buying a residence in 22314 in Alexandria. Continue reading "801 N Pitt St #1609, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch"801 N Pitt St #705, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale
One-Of-A-Kind Modest Residence -|- Alexandria VA 22314
How Much Does 787 Sqft Of Condo In 22314 Cost?
Depending upon your price range, you might want to reflect on this condo at 801 N Pitt St #705 which is available for $309,900. But, the average living area of properties in the 22314 area is 1,527 sqft. Continue reading "801 N Pitt St #705, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale"801 N Pitt St #301, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed For Sale
Pondering Properties At Port Royal Condominium? Look at This Condo.
Smaller Home For $197,500 in 22314 in the City of Alexandria
Will Nesbitt tells us that 801 N Pitt St #301, Alexandria VA is an example of smaller opportunity at $197,500. In contrast, the average living area of condos in Alexandria is 1,591 sqft. Continue reading "801 N Pitt St #301, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed For Sale"What Qualities Are You Looking For In Your Condominium In Alexandria?
I love my job. I love being a hard-working real estate pro and I'd love to help you find your next home. 801 N Pitt St #808 is just listed and looks like a good buy in many ways. But it's not important to me that my client buy this condo, or any particular condo in Alexandria. Rather, it's more important to me that I do what's right for my client.
Continue reading "What Qualities Are You Looking For In Your Condominium In Alexandria?"